Language-Agnostic License Compliance

Your Flexible Partner in Open Source License Compliance
SCANOSS offers you an Open Source language-agnostic engine for managing all your compliance needs. From Python to JavaScript, from C++ to Ruby—our flexible platform has got you covered. Say goodbye to vendor lock-in and tailor SCANOSS to suit your specific compliance requirements, regardless of the language your code is written in.
De-facto Standard
SCANOSS, with its integration into both Open Source and commercial Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools, has established itself as a de-facto standard. Its widespread adoption offers companies a unified lens to assess Open Source components, ensuring they have the same visibility as the broader Open Source community.
The Open Source Advantage
Being Open Source means transparency, open standards and no proprietary implementation of software and/or data. For example, our approach eliminates any concerns about secret hashing or hidden data handling. Naturally, this also means you can adapt our source code to meet your specific requirements.
Enhancing Your Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

While SCANOSS is equipped to create detailed SBOMs for your software, we understand that you may already have an SBOM in place. We don't just stop at creating, but also offer the capability to decorate an existing SBOM, enhancing it with richer information, clarity, and actionable insights to ensure better compliance management. Our aim is to complement and enrich your existing processes, not replace them.
Unmatched Accuracy in Detection
SCANOSS leverages its vast database of over 200+ million indexed URLs to bring you unparalleled accuracy in identifying both declared and undeclared Open Source components. Our detection capabilities extend to:
Files without license headers
Built-in dependencies
Stripped headers
Plagiarized code
AI-generated code containing Open Source
Our language-agnostic approach ensures that no stone remains unturned, making SCANOSS the most accurate compliance solution available.
Seamless Integration with Your Workflow
SCANOSS is engineered for straightforward integration into any development environment and any workflow. Whether you prefer API or CLI interfaces, or if you're looking for SDKs, IDE, or webhook integration, we offer seamless pipeline integration and make compliance a natural part of your workflow.
Why Choose SCANOSS for License Compliance?

Regardless of your programming language, SCANOSS ensures that all of the open source being used is visible to you

De-facto Standard
Make sure your enforcing tool has the same visibility as the Open Source community.

SCANOSS operates with complete transparency, with no hidden algorithms or secretive data handling processes.

Comprehensive and Accurate
Our massive database ensures the highest detection accuracy, covering both declared and undeclared Open Source code.

Ease of Integration
With a variety of integration options, incorporating SCANOSS into your development process and workflows is simple and effective.

Open Source Flexibility
Our open platform makes it easy to integrate into your software development lifecycle and existing systems.
Ready to achieve unparalleled Open Source license compliance? Get Started with SCANOSS by
visiting our GitHub page!
For further details on customization and how to make the most of our platform, feel free to consult our documentation or get in touch with us directly.
Choose SCANOSS for your Open Source license compliance—a transparent, adaptable, and accurate solution for code written in any language.
Build Your SBOM Today
To start creating your own SBOM,
head to our free SBOM Workbench
app below.
If you already have an SBOM and are
ready to start automating, head to
our CLI page in GitHub.